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Dentistry’s Critical Role in Correctional Health Care

Author: Nathan Kalteski, DDS

Dentistry is essential in corrections for providing emergency dental services, managing pain, controlling infections, and providing patient education on preventative care. It is also necessary to meet established standards of care and enhance the quality of life for individuals in custody. Just as important is how dental health is intricately connected to overall health. Maintaining good dental health can have far-reaching benefits in preventing chronic diseases and promoting overall well-being of incarcerated individuals for the following reasons:

Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Poor dental health, particularly gum disease, has been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. The bacteria that cause gum disease can enter the bloodstream and contribute to the development of heart disease, arterial plaque buildup, and inflammation in the body.

Lowers the risk of diabetes complications. Diabetes and gum disease often occur together in a two-way relationship, where each can exacerbate the other. Poorly controlled diabetes can increase the risk of gum disease, while gum disease can make it more difficult to control blood sugar levels. By maintaining good oral health, individuals with diabetes can reduce their risk of complications and better manage their condition.

Improves respiratory health: Oral bacteria and inflammation from gum disease can be aspirated into the lungs, leading to respiratory infections such as pneumonia. By maintaining healthy teeth and gums, individuals can reduce the risk of respiratory complications and improve overall respiratory health and pulmonary function.

Enhances immune function. Chronic inflammation in the mouth due to gum disease can weaken the immune system, making it less effective at fighting off infections and diseases throughout the body. By preventing gum disease and maintaining good oral hygiene, individuals can support a stronger immune system and better overall health.

Improves nutritional status. Dental issues such as tooth decay, tooth loss, or oral pain can make it difficult to chew and eat nutritious foods. Poor nutrition, in turn, can contribute to a variety of chronic diseases, including obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Maintaining healthy teeth and gums allows individuals to properly chew food and maintain a balanced diet, supporting overall health and well-being.

Improves mental health. Chronic dental problems such as toothaches, gum disease, or missing teeth are often responsible for pain, discomfort, and social embarrassment that can have a negative impact on mental health. Social embarrassment contributes to depression by damaging self-esteem, increasing social isolation, perpetuating negative thought patterns, and straining relationships. By addressing dental issues promptly, mental health benefits by improved self-esteem.

PrimeCare Medical provides qualified dentists and dental professionals that are trained and experienced in correctional health care. These professionals oversee dental care of our correctional health care contracts that includes exams, X-rays, temporary fillings, extractions, emergent dental procedures, and educating patients on preventative care.